Our Sales Exam Prep and CompuCram courses could be helpful

The Value of 'Sales Exam Prep'The only thing more frustrating than failing a test you didn’t study for, is failing a test for which you worked hard but studied the wrong material. With the right study and preparation, it’s possible to succeed on the state real estate licensing exam on the first try … but:

You can’t allow yourself to be tricked into logical yet incorrect answers.
You must be able to differentiate between two close answers.
You also must have both deep knowledge of specific topics and broad knowledge of many topics.

For those ready to take the licensing exam, Polley Associates suggests its Sales Exam Prep course or CompuCram online course. Sales Exam Prep will increase your test-taking skills, provide concise study materials, ensure you are studying the right information, and identify weak areas in your knowledge. CompuCram does the same thing but online, and uses a sophisticated tracking system that predicts when you’re ready to take the test!

Find Sales Exam Prep course schedules here.

Find CompuCram here.

Sales Exam Prep is a one-day, 6-hour course, usually held only once monthly and usually on a Saturday. It can be purchased separately or as part of Polley Associates “Career Start” live courses package. CompuCram is available 24-7-365 using a web browser on most desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones.

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